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Why should I fast? Fasting & its positive effects.

Fasting has many positive effects. That is why I fast 2-3 times a year according to the Buchinger method.

Fasting - Activate your self-healing powers

Glückliche Frau in der Sonne

„Fasting does not mean deprivation or lack, fasting means cleaning of body, mind and soul.“ - Dr. med. Helmut Lützner

Medical fasting or fasting for healthy people according to the Buchinger method is something completely natural in which the body switches from energy program 1 - the supply from the outside - to energy program 2 - the energy supply from the inside - and thus the body nourishes itself from its depots. The body's own healing powers are mobilized and clarity and order are created in the body's functions. The fasting metabolism takes effect and the inner physician is activated.

Activation of the self-healing powers

Your body cleans itself up internally. This can have a preventive effect and you can, for example, prevent diseases, allergies and skin problems. But you can also alleviate and fight your already existing diseases, allergies and skin problems.

Migraine, arthritis, rheumatism and much more can be alleviated by fasting.

There are soooo many positive effects of fasting - especially according to the Buchinger method - that affect you, your body, your mind and your soul. Below you will find a small selection of other positive effects.

„Renunciation does not take. Renunciation gives. It gives the inexhaustible power of the simple.“ - Martin Heidegger

Positive Auswirkungen auf körperlicher Ebene

  • Improves your immune system

  • Cleaner & rejuvenated skin appearance

  • Regeneration & Purification

  • Tones tissue

  • Relieves pressure on joints and spinal discs

  • Regulates blood pressure and blood lipid levels

  • Regulates blood sugar levels

  • Purification & detoxification of harmful substances

  • Dissolves toxins from connective tissue ("cellulite dents" become less or disappear completely)

  • Balanced metabolic processes

  • Relieves stomach and intestines

  • Improved fertility

  • Weight regulation

  • ...

Positives on the soul & spiritual level

  • New self-awareness

  • New self-knowledge

  • Release of tensions

  • Confidence in one's own body

  • Reflection on own needs

  • Strengthening of creativity

  • Clarity in thinking

  • ...

Fasting does a lot of good

You want to feel fitter, healthier & more vital again? Do something good just for you? Then dare and start your own fasting journey. Experience the power of fasting for yourself:


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